From DROP collaborations and online brand execution to pushing RMA forward, RIGHT MIND ATHLETICS is run on a 100% DANIELS FAMILY GRIND.
We—LUCKIE, RDIIO, and STEREO—are unwavering in our support of REMIX (a.k.a. Jaiya Devi, the youngest Daniels) on and off the track, working to secure her future in Track & Field and in business.
Our bar is HIGH, and our hustle is gritty. It takes music, laughter, disagreements, compromise, patience, and love to do what we do—but we always get it done.
Every DROP reflects where Jaiya Devi’s heart is at the moment and her constant goal to keep it simple while outworking everybody.
Check out our newest Limited Edition DROP: GOALDIGGER: HOUSTON ➔ LA28.
Homegrown in Houston, GOALDIGGER is heading back to its roots as Jaiya sets her sights on the next big stage. We’re on our way—watch us go back to get [at] it.